Michael R. Atkinson Photography

Dunelm House and Kingsgate Bridge, 'cos they go together you know!
The Kingsgate Bridge
The University of Durham Council commissioned the bridge and apparently they thought that they would only be able to afford a low level bridge to span the river at the bottom of the valley. This would have been the width of the river itself which was about 120ft, (in 1963 money) which would have required steep steps up the valley sides.
However, the architect, Ove Arup realised that with the clever elegant design and construction method he could build a bridge at 56ft above the river with a span of 350ft for the same money, approx £35,000. it was completed in 1963.

The elegant Kingsgate Bridge spanning the top of the valley. (Image by Michael R. Atkinson)
The bridge links the 'two parts' of the University, the older Peninsular colleges and the new developments on the south side of the city. The new developments have increased significantly since the bridge was built in the sixties.

Postcard from the 1960's showing Dunelm House and Kingsgate Bridge.
Notice how the concrete is much cleaner and the view is not obstructed by undergrowth and trees.
Dunelm House
Dunelm House is now a Grade II Listed Building
The site on which Dunelm House is built is dramatic as it slopes down the gorge-like banks of the river.Apparently there was once a small public garden at the side of the building where the bridge joins giving a beautiful view across to the eastern end of the Cathedral but this seems to have been paved over now.
The building is best appreciated from the opposite bank of the river but the higher view from Hatfield College is now heavily overgrown. However, the view from the fared of the bridge is almost as good.

Dunelm House as viewed from the opposite bank of the River Wear.
(Image by Michael R. Atkinson)
There are no unobstructed views of the building now as Nature has been allowed to take over but there is another relatively clear view from the end of Kingsgate Bridge

Dunelm House as viewed from Kingsgate Bridge.
(Image by Michael R. Atkinson)